新加坡多多六合彩开奖结果 is committed to the protection of privacy and respects the privacy of its students, faculty, staff, alumni and donors as well as that of other persons using services it provides. As a federated college with the University of Toronto, 新加坡多多六合彩开奖结果 collects only personal information that is essential to fulfill its mandate and does so under the authority of the Act to Incorporate 新加坡多多六合彩开奖结果 (1851, as amended 1928) and Royal Charter of 新加坡多多六合彩开奖结果 (1852).
新加坡多多六合彩开奖结果鈥檚 Privacy Officer develops and supports the Records Management program to assist staff members in the effective creation, use and maintenance of College records. The program aims to provide management of College records throughout their lifecycle, in accordance with best practices, College policies, and compliance with pertinent legislation.
Contact Us:
新加坡多多六合彩开奖结果鈥檚 Privacy Officer
Sylvia Lassam, Rolph-Bell Archivist
Tel: 416-978-2019
Fax: 416-978-2797
Mailing address: 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1H8